1.3 Events

While The Blue Alliance is the best place to find information about events stats, and FIRST Inspires is the OFFICIAL place to find information about events, registration, and awards, this page will provide a brief overview of the events that are available to teams.

FIRST Event Guide and Event Etiquette

In the ethical and gracious spirit of FIRST, teams are expected to follow the FIRST Event Rules Teams can find this on the FRC QA website.

Some general event etiquette that teams should follow:

  • Teams should be respectful of the venue and the people who work there. This includes not damaging the venue, not damaging the equipment, and not damaging the property of the venue.
  • Teams should be respectful of the other teams at the event. This includes not shaming, making fun of, or otherwise harassing other teams. “Pinning” other teams is not allowed. (This was a hazing ritual that was common in the past, but is no longer allowed.)
  • Teams should be respectful of the volunteers at the event. These kindly, angelic, people make the event work and they could easily just say forget it and go home. They are there to help you and your team, so be nice to them.
  • FRC competitions involve sharing space with others and cooperating with others. Teams should be respectful of the other teams and the other events that are happening at the same time. This includes not blocking other teams from their pit space, not reserving space in the stands or common areas.
  • Teams should be respectful of the referees and the game. This includes not arguing with the referees. While STUDENTS are allowed to ask questions about the rulings in the question box, Coaches, Parents, etc cannot approach a referee to question/argue a ruling. If you have serious worries contact FIRST HQ with your concerns. The referees do undergo a training process and are expected to make the best decisions they can. If you have a concern about a referee, please contact FIRST HQ.
  • Be ready to have to do weird favors for other teams. Everyone forgets something at some point, and it’s nice to have a team that can help you out. It’s also nice to help out other teams when you can. This is a great way to make friends and build relationships with other teams. Bring spares of common tools, extra water, extra food, etc. It’s also a good idea to have a spare electronics kit, spare batteries, spare motors, etc. You never know when you’ll need them. Just make sure to mark these with your TEAMS name and number so that they can be returned to you.

Regional Events

Teams in the regional system compete in a series of events called “Regional Events”. These events are hosted by FIRST and are open to all teams in the region. Teams are ranked based on their performance at the events and the top teams from each region are invited to compete at the FIRST Championship (aka World’s). The FIRST Championship is the pinnacle of the FIRST Robotics Competition season. Regional events can cover multiple states, countries or continents in some cases. These events usually have a large number of teams competing and are also longer than district events.

District Events

Teams in the district system compete in a series of events called “District Events”. These events are hosted by FIRST and are open to all teams in the district. Teams are ranked based on their performance at the events and the top teams from each district are invited to compete at their District level Championship (aka State’s). Then if they rank high enough there they go onto the FIRST Championship. District events are usually smaller than regional events and states like Michigan are a good example of the District system. This is also the district that the team I mentor is in so it’s what I’m most familiar with.

FIRST Championship

All teams from both systems will compete at the FIRST Championship. This used to be 1 event that would alternate locations around the US, but then we have also had years with multiple events to support the sheer number of teams that are competing. This is just like the regional events, but with even more teams, and even more excitement. The top teams from each region are invited to compete at the FIRST Championship. The top teams from each district are invited to compete at their District Championship and then the top teams from each district championship are invited to compete at the FIRST Championship. Teams who win the Impact Award at their district/regional championship are also invited to compete at the FIRST Championship.