6.1.4 Python

Basics of Python

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. It is a very popular language for beginners because it is easy to learn and read. It is also a very powerful language that can be used to create complex programs. Beginner teams can use it to start controlling simple parts of the robot in an easy to understand way. More advanced teams usually use java or C++.


Python uses indentation to define code blocks, instead of brackets. The standard indentation is four spaces, although tabs and any other space size will work, as long as it is consistent. Each logical line of code must have the same indentation. The following code is an example of proper indentation.

    def function():
        if True:
            print("Hello World")
            if False:
                print("This won't run")
        print("This will run")

The following code is an example of improper indentation.

    def function():
        if True:
            print("Hello World")
        if False:
            print("This won't run")
        print("This will run")


Variables are used to store data values. Python has no command for declaring a variable. A variable is created the moment you first assign a value to it. Variables do not need to be declared with any particular type, and can even change type after they have been set.

    x = 5
    y = "John"


Comments can be used to explain Python code. Comments can be used to make the code more readable. They can also be used to prevent execution when testing code.

    #This is a comment.
    print("Hello, World!") #This is also a comment.

Data Types

Python has the following data types built-in by default, in these categories:

  • Text Type: str
  • Numeric Types: int, float, complex
  • Sequence Types: list, tuple, range
  • Mapping Type: dict
  • Set Types: set, frozenset
  • Boolean Type: bool
  • Binary Types: bytes, bytearray, memoryview


Strings in Python are surrounded by either single quotation marks, or double quotation marks.

    x = "Hello World"
    # is the same as
    x = 'Hello World'

Strings can be output to screen using the print() function.

    x = "Hello World"


Python supports two types of numbers - integers and floating point numbers. (It also supports complex numbers, which will not be explained in this document.) To define an integer, use the following syntax:

    x = 1
    y = 35656222554887711
    z = -3255522

To define a floating point number, you may use one of the following notations:

    x = 1.10
    y = 1.0
    z = -35.59
    a = 35e3
    b = 12E4
    c = -87.7e100


Booleans represent one of two values: True or False.

    print(10 > 9)
    print(10 == 9)
    print(10 < 9)


If you want to specify the data type of a variable, this can be done with casting.

    x = str(3)    # x will be '3'
    y = int(3)    # y will be 3
    z = float(3)  # z will be 3.0

Getting the Type

You can get the data type of a variable with the type() function.

    x = 5
    y = "John"

Setting the Specific Type

You can specify the data type with the following constructor functions:

    x = str("s1") # x will be 's1'
    y = int(2)    # y will be 2
    z = float(3.0)# z will be 3.0


RobotPy is a python library that is used to control the robot. It is a very powerful library that can be used to control the robot in many different ways. It is also very easy to use and understand. It is the recommended library for teams to use to control the robot.


To install RobotPy, you must first install python. You can download python from here. After you have installed python, you must install RobotPy. You can do this by opening a command prompt and typing pip install robotpy. This will install RobotPy and all of its dependencies.


To use RobotPy, you must import it. You can do this by typing import robotpy. This will import the entire library. You can also import specific parts of the library by typing from robotpy import *. This will import all of the parts of the library. You can also import specific parts of the library by typing from robotpy import specificpart. This will import the specific part of the library.

Robot Class

The Robot class is the main class of the library. It is used to control the robot. It is used to control the robot in many different ways. It is also very easy to use and understand. It is the recommended class for teams to use to control the robot.

Robot Class Functions

The Robot class has many functions that can be used to control the robot. These functions are listed below.


The start() function is used to start the robot. It must be called before the robot can be controlled. It is called automatically when the robot is turned on.


The stop() function is used to stop the robot. It must be called before the robot can be turned off. It is called automatically when the robot is turned off.

Robot.setMotorSpeed(motor, speed)

The setMotorSpeed() function is used to set the speed of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the speed of. The second argument is the speed that you want to set the motor to. The speed must be a number between -1 and 1.


The getMotorSpeed() function is used to get the speed of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the speed of. The function will return the speed of the motor.

Robot.setMotorPosition(motor, position, speed)

The setMotorPosition() function is used to set the position of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the position of. The second argument is the position that you want to set the motor to. The third argument is the speed that you want to set the motor to. The position must be a number between -1 and 1. The speed must be a number between -1 and 1.


The getMotorPosition() function is used to get the position of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the position of. The function will return the position of the motor.


The getMotorEncoder() function is used to get the encoder of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the encoder of. The function will return the encoder of the motor.

Robot.setMotorEncoder(motor, encoder)

The setMotorEncoder() function is used to set the encoder of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the encoder of. The second argument is the encoder that you want to set the motor to. The encoder must be a number between -1 and 1.

Robot.setMotorBrake(motor, brake)

The setMotorBrake() function is used to set the brake of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the brake of. The second argument is the brake that you want to set the motor to. The brake must be a boolean.


The getMotorBrake() function is used to get the brake of a motor.

Robot.setMotorDirection(motor, direction)

The setMotorDirection() function is used to set the direction of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the direction of. The second argument is the direction that you want to set the motor to. The direction must be a boolean.


The getMotorDirection() function is used to get the direction of a motor.

Robot.setMotorMode(motor, mode)

The setMotorMode() function is used to set the mode of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the mode of. The second argument is the mode that you want to set the motor to. The mode must be a number between 0 and 2.


The getMotorMode() function is used to get the mode of a motor.

Robot.setMotorLimit(motor, limit)

The setMotorLimit() function is used to set the limit of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the limit of. The second argument is the limit that you want to set the motor to. The limit must be a number between -1 and 1.


The getMotorLimit() function is used to get the limit of a motor.

Robot.setMotorPID(motor, p, i, d)

The setMotorPID() function is used to set the PID of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the PID of. The second argument is the P value that you want to set the motor to. The third argument is the I value that you want to set the motor to. The fourth argument is the D value that you want to set the motor to. The P, I, and D values must be numbers.


The getMotorPID() function is used to get the PID of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the PID of. The function will return the PID of the motor.

Robot.setMotorPIDEnabled(motor, enabled)

The setMotorPIDEnabled() function is used to set the PID enabled of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the PID enabled of. The second argument is the PID enabled that you want to set the motor to. The PID enabled must be a boolean.


The getMotorPIDEnabled() function is used to get the PID enabled of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the PID enabled of. The function will return the PID enabled of the motor.

Robot.setMotorPIDTarget(motor, target)

The setMotorPIDTarget() function is used to set the PID target of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the PID target of. The second argument is the PID target that you want to set the motor to. The PID target must be a number.


The getMotorPIDTarget() function is used to get the PID target of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the PID target of. The function will return the PID target of the motor.

Robot.setMotorPIDTolerance(motor, tolerance)

The setMotorPIDTolerance() function is used to set the PID tolerance of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the PID tolerance of. The second argument is the PID tolerance that you want to set the motor to. The PID tolerance must be a number.


The getMotorPIDTolerance() function is used to get the PID tolerance of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the PID tolerance of. The function will return the PID tolerance of the motor.

Robot.setMotorPIDError(motor, error)

The setMotorPIDError() function is used to set the PID error of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the PID error of. The second argument is the PID error that you want to set the motor to. The PID error must be a number.


The getMotorPIDError() function is used to get the PID error of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the PID error of. The function will return the PID error of the motor.

Robot.setMotorPIDOutput(motor, output)

The setMotorPIDOutput() function is used to set the PID output of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the PID output of. The second argument is the PID output that you want to set the motor to. The PID output must be a number.


The getMotorPIDOutput() function is used to get the PID output of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the PID output of. The function will return the PID output of the motor.

Robot.setMotorPIDErrorSum(motor, errorSum)

The setMotorPIDErrorSum() function is used to set the PID error sum of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the PID error sum of. The second argument is the PID error sum that you want to set the motor to. The PID error sum must be a number.


The getMotorPIDErrorSum() function is used to get the PID error sum of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the PID error sum of. The function will return the PID error sum of the motor.

Robot.setMotorPIDLastInput(motor, lastInput)

The setMotorPIDLastInput() function is used to set the PID last input of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to set the PID last input of. The second argument is the PID last input that you want to set the motor to. The PID last input must be a number.


The getMotorPIDLastInput() function is used to get the PID last input of a motor. The first argument is the motor that you want to get the PID last input of. The function will return the PID last input of the motor.


The Robot.Sensors object is used to control the sensors on a robot. The sensors are used to get information from the field.


The getSensorValue() function is used to get the value of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the value of. The function will return the value of the sensor.


The getSensorRawValue() function is used to get the raw value of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the raw value of. The function will return the raw value of the sensor.


The getSensorRawMin() function is used to get the raw min of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the raw min of. The function will return the raw min of the sensor.


The getSensorRawMax() function is used to get the raw max of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the raw max of. The function will return the raw max of the sensor.


The getSensorMin() function is used to get the min of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the min of. The function will return the min of the sensor.


The getSensorMax() function is used to get the max of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the max of. The function will return the max of the sensor.


The getSensorUnits() function is used to get the units of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the units of. The function will return the units of the sensor.


The getSensorType() function is used to get the type of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the type of. The function will return the type of the sensor.


The getSensorName() function is used to get the name of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the name of. The function will return the name of the sensor.


The getSensorPort() function is used to get the port of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the port of. The function will return the port of the sensor.


The getSensorMode() function is used to get the mode of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the mode of. The function will return the mode of the sensor.


The getSensorModes() function is used to get the modes of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the modes of. The function will return the modes of the sensor.


The getSensorModeCount() function is used to get the mode count of a sensor. The first argument is the sensor that you want to get the mode count of. The function will return the mode count of the sensor.