0.2 How to Use FRC Zero

FRC Zero is based on the learn theme for Hugo. The learn theme is explained in detail on the Hugo Learn Theme website. What is useful about this theme is it uses a system of Chapters and Sections. Each Chapter is a topic and each Section is a sub-topic. The Chapters and Sections are listed in the left sidebar. The Chapters and Sections are also used to create the Table of Contents for each Chapter page. Below is a table of all of the chapters as of 2/5/2023:

Order Chapter Title
0.0 About FRC Zero
1.0 Competition
2.0 Engineering Design
3.0 Machining & Fabrication
4.0 Electronics
5.0 Pneumatics
6.0 Programming
7.0 Computer Aid Design
8.0 Business & Marketing
9.0 Outreach & Education

Contents are divided into numbered sections to help with the ordering of the menu. There is also a weight property that can be added to the front matter of each page to help with ordering. As a reminder the front matter is the section of the page that starts with --- and ends with ---. The front matter is used to set the page title, date, and other properties. The front matter is explained in detail on the Hugo Front Matter page.

Another awesome benefit of the learn theme is the FREE search tool! Its located at the top of the left sidebar. Any topics, keywords, etc. can be searched for. If you are unsure where to find a piece of information, try searching for it.

FRCzero.org is not an official source of information for FIRST Robotics Competition. It is a knowledge base for students, mentors, and parents of FIRST Robotics Competition teams. It is written by those same students, mentors, and parents. Humans, if you may not know, are rarely perfect and have been known to make occasional mistakes. A famous human inventor once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” So, if you find a mistake, please let us know. We will do our best to fix it. You can submit issues to the github repository and you can submit a pull request to fix the issue. If you find the idea of github confusing, you should ask a mentor or FRC community member for help. A very good beginners guide to using git and github can be found at https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/.

FRCzero.org is a non-official, non-licensed, uninsured, community of it’s users. It is up to you as a user to use your best judgement when submitting new documentation or following existing documentation. No one is responsible for any damages or injuries that may occur from the use of this site except YOU! If you are unsure about something, please ask a mentor or FRC community member for help. Thats what they are there for.

As we aim to make the best content, we also aim to make the best experience for our users. We use cookies to help us track how our users use the site. We also use Google Analytics to help us track how our users use the site. We do not sell or share any of this information with anyone. We do not make any money from this site. We do not have any paid advertising so again all of the analytics are used to help us improve the site. For more information please read our privacy policy.