9.0 Outreach & Education

Outreach and education are important parts of the FIRST experience. Outreach is the process of sharing your team’s experience with others. Education is the process of learning about FIRST and the FIRST Robotics Competition and STEM. Outreach and education are important because they help to grow the FIRST community. The more people that are involved in FIRST, the more people that will be inspired to pursue STEM careers. The more people that are inspired to pursue STEM careers, the more people that will be able to solve the world’s problems. There are many ways to get involved in outreach and education. If you would like to get involved, talk to your team mentor or team leadership. For a direct way to get involved, check out the FIRST Volunteer Portal or submit content here to the FRC Zero website for others to learn from too!

Below is an outline of the topics that will be covered in this chapter.

Contents for this Chapter

Order Page Title Time Estimate
9.1 FIRST Outreach 30 minutes
9.2 FIRST Education 30 minutes
9.3 FIRST Volunteer Portal 30 minutes
9.4 STEM Outreach 30 minutes
9.5 FIRST Outreach - FIRST LEGO League 30 minutes
9.6 FIRST Outreach - FIRST Tech Challenge 30 minutes
9.7 FIRST Outreach - FIRST Robotics Competition 30 minutes